Incorporating Sustainable Materials in Your Bathroom Remodel

If you’ve been dreaming of a refreshed bathroom for your home that feels more like an oasis, a bathroom remodel is the perfect way to make that dream a reality. This type of project provides you the freedom to revamp your space with all the features and details you desire, improving the appearance and functionality of the room in the process.

If sustainability is a major concern for you when embarking on any kind of home improvement venture, though, you may be wondering about which materials are the best to use during your bathroom remodel—after all, not all products are created equal when it comes to environmental impact. To understand how best to incorporate sustainable materials into your own project, you’ll first want to know:

What Makes Certain Materials More Sustainable Than Others?

The eco-friendliness of various materials is mostly related to how they are produced. Vinyl, for example, is made from petroleum products, which are not considered sustainable due to the amount of energy and fossil fuels needed to create them. On the other hand, materials like bamboo, steel, porcelain, tile, glass, and reclaimed wood are better for the planet and can be used in various applications throughout your bathroom remodel.

Another variable that goes into the sustainability of products used during the bathroom remodeling process is longevity, as products that last longer won’t end up in landfills as early or need replacing—which requires additional products and materials to be used—as often. Because of this, opting for a replacement bathtub or shower made from durable acrylic would be a more sustainable choice over a bathtub liner or other product that may not last as long.

How to Incorporate Sustainable Materials When Remodeling Your Bathroom

Now that we’ve covered which materials are more sustainable, it’s time to discuss how you can actually apply them during your bathroom remodel. This will depend on the specifics of your project, as some homeowners opt for full bathroom renovations while others choose a cost-effective wet area remodel. Wet area remodels are typically cheaper and less time-intensive, as they involve the removal and replacement of their bath or shower fixture. Whichever type of bathroom remodel you decide to invest in, here are some ways that you can incorporate sustainable materials:

  • Choose an acrylic bathtub or shower sourced from a manufacturer you can trust, such as Jacuzzi® or Swanstone
  • When choosing cabinetry or accessories, find ones made with bamboo, wood, steel, or other eco-friendly options
  • Select recycled materials whenever possible or shop second hand for decorative elements
  • If replacing the flooring, choose wood or tile over vinyl

When in doubt, working with a bathroom remodeling company can help you select the right materials to achieve your goals for your project. Just be clear with them in pointing out your preference for sustainable materials, and don’t be afraid to ask questions along the way.

All in all, incorporating sustainable materials in your bathroom remodel is possible—it just takes a bit of planning beforehand. With the knowledge of what products to choose during the process, you can create the bathroom of your dreams in a way that’s better for the planet without sacrificing your ideal design.